Oct 8, 2010

squash, beautiful squash

it's finally the weekend. what a long strange week it has been. productive, but so very long. maybe it's because i am so excited for the weekend: an extra day off for columbus day, great friends coming over, a trip to the city for some culture, gardening, meals out /meals in. weather prediction: gorgeous. also, i'll be roasting up these beautiful organic acorn squash fresh from the farmer's market. although they are so visually stunning i hate to cut into them. (i'll get over it). have a great weekend everybody! xo, g


  1. I agree. . I adore squash! you too enjoy your weekend=)

  2. squash=love, thanks healy!

    and thanks jo, i hope you'll give it a try, so easy!

  3. a very underappreciated vegetable. i love chunks in salad with mushrooms and parmesan shavings and and

  4. hi mlle paradis, your salad sounds decicious, maybe some freshly toasted sunflower seeds and....

  5. Who would've thought squash on a white plate could be such an appealing photo? Love the use of light. And yes, I do like squash. Acorn is my favorite. I'm married to a non-squash eater, though, so I like to either sneak it into soups or bake myself an occasional acorn treat.

  6. thank you so very much, seedplanter designs. i very much like the idea of secretive squash indulgence, so delicious.

