Mar 23, 2010

this week dedicated to green

last nite's salad greens
kiwiberries. new to me. tasty but softer and squishier than i imagined.
currently in my fruit bowl. bartlett pears are really delicious right now. buy them firm and let them ripen for a few days.

sometimes i prepare posts way in advance. i like to keep several in the box, waiting for the right time to publish. but not today. i shot all these photos quite recently. some a few minutes ago and some a few hours ago. i can't help it. this week i am obsessed with green things. and i dont want to think or post about anything else. green foods. looking for a green chandelier and a green desk lamp and maybe a green and blue striped rug. drinking green tea and nibbling green pistachios. making potato gratin green with kale and chard.

green. searching, waiting, hoping to bring more green into my life. last night i mixed these greens for a salad with sesame dressing to go with this salmon and rice and also some blanched cauliflower. it was one of those happy dinners. the kids had tales to tell from being back at school. r and i are each working in a hundred directions, so lots of energy and laughter and enthusiasm for the food and each other and what we have going on in our lives. what i always hope a family dinner should be all about. but back to green. this week is dedicated to more green. more veg. more sustainable. more holistic. thinking, consuming, and working. tomorrow a green recipe, really green. later in the week, even more green. i've never dedicated a week to a color before, but maybe that is a reason enough to try it.

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